Understanding Matrices in Machine Learning: A Linear Algebra Perspective
Many machine learning algorithms are based on matrices. Matrix operations are ubiquitous, whether you're managing transformations, dimensionality reduction, or deep learning models. The function of matrices in machine learning, fundamental matrix operations, and real-world applications will all be covered in this article.
What is a Matrix?
A matrix is a two-dimensional array of numbers arranged in rows and columns. Formally, a matrix with m rows and n columns is called an m×n matrix and is usually denoted as:
In my previous article Linear Algebra Introduction for AI/ML. I explored addition, subtraction, multiplication, scalar multiplication, and transposition of matrices. Today, we will delve deeper and gain more insight into the applications of matrices in machine learning.
Cramer’s Rule in Machine Learning
Cramer’s Rule is a method for solving systems of linear equations using determinants. For small systems, Cramer’s rule is quite efficient. It can be used in machine learning when solving linear systems such as those arising from linear regression.
Cramer’s Rule Overview
Consider a system of linear equations:
AX = B
A is a square matrix of coefficients.
X is the vector of variables (the unknowns).
B is the vector of constants.
Cramer’s Rule states that each unknown x can be computed as:
Ai is the matrix obtained by replacing the i-th column of A with B.
det(A) is the determinant of matrix A.
Example: Linear Regression
In machine learning, one common use case for Cramer’s Rule is solving systems of linear equations in linear regression. While gradient-based methods are more common for large datasets, Cramer’s Rule can solve smaller systems to find exact solutions for the parameters in a linear model.
For instance, given a dataset and model y=Xθ , where X is the matrix of input features and θ is the vector of parameters, Cramer’s Rule can be applied to solve for θ if X is a square, non-singular matrix.
Identity Matrices
An identity matrix, denoted as In for an n×n matrix, is a special matrix where all the diagonal elements are 1, and all other elements are 0. The identity matrix is analogous to the number 1 in multiplication—it doesn’t change the matrix it’s multiplied by.
Identity Matrix Definition
Multiplying any n×n matrix A by In leaves it unchanged:
Applications in Machine Learning
Inverse of a Matrix: The identity matrix plays a key role in finding the inverse of a matrix A. When you multiply a matrix by its inverse, you get the identity matrix:
In machine learning, matrix inversion is used to compute model parameters in closed-form solutions, such as the normal equation in linear regression:
linear Regression
In linear regression, matrices are used to solve for the optimal parameters. Given a dataset with input features matrix X and output vector y, the goal is to find the parameter vector θ that minimizes the error:
This equation can be solved using matrix operations such as the normal equation:
Neutral Networks
Matrices are fundamental to neural networks, where they represent weights, activations, and inputs. In each layer of the network, matrix multiplication is used to compute the activation of the neurons:
Z is the matrix of activation for the current layer,
W is the weight matrix,
A is the activation matrix from the previous layer, and
b is the bias vector
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
One practical application of matrices in machine learning is Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA is a dimensionality reduction technique that transforms a high-dimensional dataset into a lower-dimensional one while preserving as much variance as possible. Matrix operations such as covariance calculation and eigenvalue decomposition are central to PCA’s implementation.
As you've seen, matrices are the fundamental units of many machine learning methods, facilitating effective optimization, transformation, and manipulation of data. Gaining proficiency with matrices provides a wealth of opportunities for comprehending and creating potent machine learning models.
For more practical insights about Matrices application , get time and watch this video
Mathematics for Machine Learning